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General Information


The priority goals for Hamilton Elementary are student growth and development and closing the achievement gap so that all students achieve their full educational potential. In addition, we strive to develop student competencies identified in the "Portrait of a CFISD Graduate" which are: an effective communicator, competent problem-solver, self-directed learner, responsible citizen, and quality producer. We focus on providing a safe, learning environment for our students and one in which our parents feel welcomed and involved.

Enrollment & Demographics

As of October 25, 2024

Total Enrollment: 1,000

Demographic Percentage (%)
Hispanic 26.10%
Native American 0.00%
Asian 6.40%
Black 9.40%
Paicific Islander 0.00%
Multi-Race 2.84%
White 52.10%
Free/Reduced 24.80%